Week 2 – The Master Key Experience

“If you tell yourself long enough eventually it’s truth.”

“If you sell yourself long enough eventually it’s proof.”

I wrote those words down in my notebook in high school when I was trying to come up with lyrics to a song I never put music to. I’ll bet we’ve all journaled some pretty embarrassing stuff. At the time I basically believed that whatever you tell yourself over and over you’ll eventually come to believe. And if you sell yourself on said idea for long enough you’ll eventually prove yourself right.

Wow, I was really onto something.

Fast forward to today and I’m continually amazed at how often I see/hear that theme repeated. The mind is a powerful tool and whatever you continually feed it will eventually seek to manifest itself in some physical form.

I now understand why my parents tried to speak truth into my life so much as a youngster. It’s the same with the music, news media or books we consume.

Your subconscious mind is an indiscriminate, unbiased garden which will harvest whatever seeds you plant through your conscious mind and continually water through repetitious suggestion. The following is from Charles Haanel’s The Master Key System book, chapter 2:

“The subconscious mind never sleeps, never rests, any more than does your heart, or your blood. It has been found that by plainly stating to the subconscious mind certain specific things to be accomplished, forces are set in operation that lead to the result desired.”

This is why you see so many elite performers who make what they do look incredibly easy. Any skill can be learned through repetition and focused concentration. This is also why self-talk is so important. Whatever you tell yourself ABOUT yourself you’ll eventually believe and will result in either success or self-sabotage.

One of the assignments we’ve been tasked with this week for our “Master Key Experience” homework is to finalize our Definite Major Purpose statement. I’ve fiddled with these in the past but have never quite been able to put it down into specific, succinct terms which my mind could go to work on immediately and begin to guide me toward my goals.

Thanks to the wonderful guides/coaches in the program we’ve been able to submit, receive revisions and re-submit our Definite Major Purpose statements (DMP’s, if you will) and begin to work on memorizing them by repeating them aloud 3x daily.


That’s been a big part of it. I wonder how many opportunities or life accomplishments I’ve missed out on simply because I didn’t pursue them with ENTHUSIASM.

Anyhow, as I begin to get back into the swing of blogging, my writing and thought processing will also improve so I encourage y’all to bear with me throughout the coming weeks and months.

Hang tight!

God bless.

Week 1 – The Master Key Experience

Hello out there!

Wow, it sure has been awhile. There’s SOOO much to catch up on but now is not the time though I will for sure catch y’all up soon.

Let’s start up here: The Master Key Experience.

Ever heard of it? I hadn’t.

There’s no shortage of “systems” and “tools” from so-called and self-proclaimed “gurus” on the internet. The problem is, there’s so many of them that it’s hard to cut through the muck and the mire to decide which ones to pay attention to and where to invest your time and money.

My self-improvement journey began roughly 5 years ago at age 24 when I decided that I wanted to eventually own my own business and call my own shots. I knew that I didn’t know how to do “said” business venture or where to start but I knew that if I wanted to do something I’d never done then I’d have to learn some things I didn’t know. I also needed to grow in some Key areas (pun intended).

My appetite for self-improvement and growth started with reading books and expanding on what those authors recommended. The first few I read, off the top of my heard were:

“I Will Teach You To Be Rich” by Ramit Sethi

“The Four Hour Work Week” by Tim Ferriss

“How To Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie and

“Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill.

I’ve since kept a journal of the books I’ve read/listened to every year since then and if you took a peek at it I’d bet you’d be surprised at the eclectic list I’ve compiled.

Think and Grow Rich had always been one of my favorites although I couldn’t exactly explain many of the concepts and exercises Hill recommended. Growing up a Christian I was wary to dive into or adhere to some of the “mindset” strategies and concepts Hill wrote about. I have also never really had a conversation with another Christian that I would trust to take an honest look at the book’s principles and topics and discuss them with me in an unbiased manner.

That being said, and again, skipping over ALOT of time and life-events here, a few weeks ago I stumbled upon a webinar with a guy named Mark Januszewski who was sharing about his upcoming 6-month course called the Master Key Experience where a limited number of participants could join to be coached and walked though a course to help expand their visions, understand themselves better and build some self-discipline in the process.

So, I joined.

Now, this is only a FRACTION of what all else is actually included, taught and learned but I’ll just give a small taste as I’m only 5 days into the first week.

So far I’ve been reading and re-reading a short chapter from OG Mandino’s “The Greatest Salesman In The World” 3 times a day, everyday, and loving it. It’s really opening my mind to understanding how my habits are the seeds to either my success or failure, depending on what kind of habits they are. I won’t go into it all here just yet (come back for more) but I’m super excited to continue to work on these “good” habits and realize more about myself that I hadn’t realized thus far.

I’m enjoying it and look forward to talking about it more.


-Clay W.

New Lyric Video Posted!!!

It’s here! The new single off my band’s upcoming album “Tribes” is posted on Substream’s site. The song “Believe, Divide and Find Yourself Alone” is posted as part of a lyric video that can be viewed here. We also released the album artwork for “Tribes” coming out this fall!!!

Everyone go here and take a look at the new video as well as read the short article posted about it. Feel free the share and RT this as well!! More news coming soon! So long and choose your Path wisely. Clay W.